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  • Writer's pictureelisa broli

craftsmanship ... once upon a time

Once upon a time there was little workshops, where generation after generation crafted art works with their refined skills... .. and now there is Zara and HM!!

how is Craftsmanship disappearing ? costs, democratisations and advertisement brainwashing

It is very democratic that now almost everyone can afford to buy trendy clothes and have as many as they want ( even tho there is no END on "as many as we want " we always want more and faster and cheaper as if we were trying to satisfy our ego through that , but darling your ego will never ever be satisfied, so how much more resources and garbage the planet will have to deal with in the process of human trying to satisfy their ego?! there is no end to that, BUT there is definitely a limit on how much the biosphere can provide trying to keep up with this fast production madness )

oh, you think products sold by luxury company are made from craftsman because they are so expensive ? No darling, most of the money spent by the most well known luxury brands are actually in Advertisement, yes sweetie, that luscious mouthwatering leather bag doesn't cost that much because is made from the art work of one skilled Craftsman , no no, that money you pay is for the advertisement, each parts of that bag is made in different parts of the world included cheap manufacturing low waged countries and than assembled somewhere in Europe where they can declare it as MADE IN ITALY or MADE IN FRANCE

Not all is lost tho !!! We can see that there is a breeze of changes to this path, sustainability and conscious consuming are more and more used words here and there in the web , so like it was for organic food 20 years ago where there was just few products here and there hopefully sustainable fashion will become as much popular as Organic food is now

questions and answers .....

- does enough people to make a change cares about it ? it doesn't looks like

- why?

- well, seems like nobody is ready to renounce to feed their ego looking stylish just because the world is facing ecological, social disaster and humanity is loosing craft skills

- what can we do about it ?

1. solve the problem to the roots, control your ego through yoga and meditation practice and become a conscious consumer

2. spread the words and let your friends know what we are talking about

3. buy Vintage

with love


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